That’s why Elmet Lions has chosen BHF as one of the beneficiaries of the Great SeLby Bike Ride 2025.

The Great Selby Bike Ride 2025
Fundraising cycle event around Selby and district
Elmet Lions have published an article about claiming GiftAid from HMRC.
On Friday 21st June we had a ’Bit of a Do’ at South Milford WI Hall to thank the marshalling volunteers who helped at the Great Selby Bike Ride (GSBR), to present donations to the four charity beneficiaries of the Bike Ride and to recognise the major contributions made by two significant individuals involved with the event.
This was punctuated with a fun quiz and a light supper, not forgetting a slice of Ada Jobling’s celebratory cake too.
Held annually on more than 30 occasions the GSBR comprises two circular rides from Barlby High School on marshalled routes 25 and 45 mile in length and raises funds for four charities who organise and manage the event in May of each year.
Elmet Lions Club took over the GSBR in 2022 after its originators, Selby Lions Club, closed down. Over that whole time Sheila Newsome managed the drinks stop at The Guides’ White Rose House on behalf of Martin House.
Sheila Newsome being presented with a bouquet in appreciation of her years of involvement with the Bike Ride
At the other end of the age spectrum eight year old Ada Jobling has ridden twice in the most recent events, even tackling the 45 mile route this year in the company of her dad John, raising £2,500 and £4,470 respectively. Ada’s efforts have been match funded by The Hiscox Trust, for whom dad John works, amounting to £1,148 (2023) and £2,000 (2024) of the annual totals.
Ada and her dad
An interim cheque for £1,200 was presented to each of the four beneficiaries:-
Martin House, British Heart Foundation, St Leonard’s Hospice, and Elmet Lions PSA testing campaign,
with a further top-up expected when all donations are finalised and Gift Aid is provided by HMRC.
Becky from the British Heart Foundation
Sheila Newsome and Michelle Ford from Martin House
Annie Keogh from St Leonard’s Hospice
Lion VP John Brettell and Lion President Maggie Hartley
The winners of Lion John Boulton’s fiendish quiz were the Wistow Wizards who took home their prize of a bottle of wine and four straws.
Ada’s team comprising three generations of the Jobling family took home the wooden spoons, proving that even superheroes can have off days.
Quiz master Lion Johhn Boulton and Ada with her wooden spoons
Let’s do it all again next year!
Elmet Lions Paul Croll and John Brettell told the listening public about the Great Selby Bike Ride, its long history, its present organisation and the support it receives from the spectrum of cyclists from keen club riders to individual riders and family members enjoying a more leisurely pace over the two routes.
Can we expect to see you at Barlby High School on Sunday 19th May 2024?